Listen Houdini
Written, Conceived & Produced by Axis Company
Directed by Randy Sharp
October 18 - December 22, 2001Listen Houdini examines the intricacies of the real life relationship between Houdini and Sir Arthur Doyle, a firm believer in the spiritualist movement.
Featuring: Brian Barnhart, Bob Cucuzza, John Murphy, Jim Sterling, David Yezzi
Director: Randy Sharp
Light Design: David Zeffren
Sound Design: Steve Fontaine
Set: David Ramirez
Producing Director: Ami Armstrong
Executive Producer: Jeffrey Resnick
“...convincingly blurs the line between psychics as scammers and as true mystics... the arguments aren't new, but seeing them from Houdini's point of viewas a man used to mystifying others solely through his own effortsbrings them to fresh life. ”

“...the flinty Robert Cucuzza (as Houdini) finds enough rabid intensity to give larger stakes to these clashing viewpoints..."Listen Houdini" works best in the climactic séance scene...via soundscapes and conscientious ensemble work...Like the impresario himself, we suddenly find ourselves listening more closely in hopes of discovering new frequencies.”

“... (a) compelling, new historical drama...effectively directed by Randy Sharp...performing in front of yards of red velvet curtains, the five-person ensemble expertly tackles their roles...(Axis is) one of the city's most innovative theatrical companies...instead of the customary bells and whistles, the company relies on the skill of its actors and the strength of the material. It's a gamble -- one that magically pays off.”
“Randy Sharp is interviewed by Janet Coleman on WBAI”
Cat Radio Café
“Author and director Sharp has a keen eye for the theatrical...(and) takes advantage of Robert Cucuzza's lively stage personality to maintain a spirited mood.”