Check back soon for more information on upcoming productions.

  • Lynn Mancinelli, Jon McCormick, Emily Kratter and Regina Betancourt in Dead End - photo by Pavel Antonov
  • Brian Barnhart and Katie Rose Summerfield in Dead End - photo by Pavel Antonov
  • Edgar Oliver in Attorney Street (2016) - photo by Maria Baranova
  • David Crabb, Laurie Kilmartin, Britt Genelin, Lynn Mancinelli, Brian Barnhart, Jim Sterling, Regina Betancourt and George Demas in Down There (2010) - photo by Dixie Sheridan
  • Lynn Mancinelli, Stephanie Lynne Mason, James Scheider and Katie Rose Summerfield in Evening 1910 (2016) photo by Pavel Antonov
  • Ian Tooley, Regina Betancourt, Britt Genelin, Laurie Kilmartin, Jim Sterling, Edgar Oliver, Marlene Berner and Brian Barnhart in A Glance at New York (2007) photo by Dixie Sheridan
  • George Demas, Lynn Mancinelli, Brian Barnhart, Spencer Aste, David Crabb and Britt Genelin in Last Man Club (2012) photo by Dixie Sheridan
  • Spencer Aste, Lynn Mancinelli, Mara Beier, Jared Young, Dewey Caddell, Shira Averbuch, George Demas, Stephanie Regina and Emily Kratter in Solitary Light (2014) photo by Dixie Sheridan
  • George Demas, Brian Barnhart, Lynn Mancinelli, David Crabb and Spencer Aste in Nothing on Earth Can Hold Houdini (2014) photo by Dixie Sheridan
  • Brian Barnhart, Sean Patrick Monahan, Julian Rozzell, Brian Carter and George Demas in The Vast Machine (2015) photo by Dixie Sheridan

Playwrights Welcome is a new program developed for Dramatists Guild of America Members by Samuel French along with Dramatists Play Service, Dramatic Publishing, Music Theatre International, Playscripts and Rodgers and Hammerstein. The goal is simple: to provide free access to theatre for playwrights, composers and lyricists. We are invested in the success and artistic health of our industry's writers, and by extension the vibrancy of the American theatre. We're also aware that attending theatre is an integral part to how writers learn their craft and grow as artists.

Axis Company is proud to take part in Playwrights Welcome, which offers available tickets to professional playwrights on the day of a performance, free of charge. To receive a ticket through Playwrights Welcome at our theater, please contact us at or by calling (212) 807-9300 (leaving a message in the general mailbox). Note that writers must present their Dramatists Guild membership card when requesting a ticket.

For more information on this national program, and to learn which theaters around the country are involved, please visit
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